Thursday, April 16, 2015

Life By The Nines

Hello Friendlies,

I am returning from baby hiatus after 9 months of hands on motherhood and I feel like I have finally hit my stride, for now. They say it takes 9 months to grow a baby so give yourself 9 months to adjust...okay maybe only I say that but it's true.
Since we last met I have retired from formal employment for the continuously whirling carousel of childrearing. I am still navigating the precarious balance of baby/husband/home/self maintenance that makes up my new job and as a typically(read: previously) organized, type A personality I have had to come to terms with the fact that I can't do everything. But that's never stopped me from trying.
With that on my mind I have decided to refocus this blog from pregnancy (y'know since i'm not anymore and that would be boring) to more of a creative outlet where i can devote a little time to my sanity, without which nothing else would get done.

So I invite you to follow along as I share my experiences in cooking and babying and crafting and sewing and ... probably some other stuff, as a full time mom and part time homemaker.

And to be fair to the original intent of this blog here is a quick little catch up on the Pineapple Squiggs: