Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3rd Trimester

Sunday marked the official start of our third trimester and oh boy did those symptoms hit me all at once.
Exhausted, achy, restless legs, weird stretching feelings in my stomach muscles. Fun Stuff.

I also nearly had a panic attack this weekend when i thought i had lost our ultrasound pictures. When i finally gave up looking and decided to just get reprints it dawned on me that i had filed them with our vital records because pregnancy brain said that would be the most logical place and then immediately forgot about it.

It has never been more apparent that we are now in the countdown to baby-time, so it has helped me to set some goals.
The month of April is the get the entire apartment de-cluttered, organized and ready for baby stuff.
May is for getting baby stuff prepped and organized and June is for getting us prepped and organized.
Nesting is a great compulsion for that, keeping up the energy to actually get it done is the trick.

So here's a bump picture from a couple weeks ago:

26 Weeks 2 Days
And today:
28 Weeks 3 Days